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Weekly Summer Camps (MON-THU)

4 Days Camp

Let your child learn new skills during summer time

Introduction To Python Programming (Ages 11 & up)

06/07 - 06/10     11:30 -12:30 pm (PT)

06/28 - 07/01     12:30 - 01:30 pm (PT)

07/26 - 07/29     11:30 - 12:30 pm (PT)

We will cover tools and installation, data types, variables, string manipulation, operators, raw input, and finish off with fun gaming project that will use all the concepts learned.




Introduction To Java Programming (Ages 13 & up)

06/07 - 06/10     12:30 - 01:30 pm (PT)

06/28 - 07/01      FULL

06/28 - 07/01      11:30 - 12:30 pm (PT)

We will cover tools and installation, data types, variables, string manipulation, raw input, loops, and finish off with fun project that will use all the concepts learned.



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HTML & CSS Web Designing (Ages 10 & up)

06/14 - 06/17    11:30 -12:30 pm (PT)

06/28 - 07/01       FULL

07/26 - 07/29        TBD

We will cover HTML tags to build web pages and use CSS tags to style the pages. Finishing off with a web page project that will handle all the concepts learned.




Scratch Game Programming (Ages 6 & up)

06/14 - 06/17     12:30 -01:30 pm (PT)

07/19 - 07/22     11:30 - 12:30 pm (PT)

07/26 - 07/29     FULL

Students with no prior coding experience will be doing sequential coding using block-based scratch programming. They will learn coding concepts and be able to program interactive games and animations. It's a complete hands-on project-based camp.




Python Graphical Programming (Ages 11 & up)

06/21 - 06/24     11:30 - 12:30 pm (PT)

06/28 - 07/01      FULL

07/19 - 07/22      12:30 - 01:30 pm (PT)

We will cover tools, different graphical components like labels, buttons, text boxes to take user input, message boxes, add styles, colors, etc, and event handlers. We will finish off with a fun gaming project that will use all the concepts learned.



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Mobile Application Game Development (Ages 9 & up)

06/14 - 06/17    FULL

06/21 - 06/24    12:30 - 01:30 pm (PT)   

07/26 - 07/29        TBD

We will cover tools and editor, data types, and variables, conditions and learn the components like adding buttons, text boxes, labels, images, layouts, sounds, event-driven programming, and how to change the properties of all components and build cool gaming projects.




Introduction To Javascript (Ages 10 & up)

06/28 - 07/01    11:30 - 12:30 pm (PT)

We will cover tools and installation, data types, variables, string manipulation, operators, raw input, and finish off with fun gaming project that will use all the concepts learned.



      HOW IT WORKS      

Fill the form by clicking "Register" Button 

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Will send you zoom link to join by email

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Get 50% Off first month if your child wants to join our regular weekly program

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