AP Computer Science A
This course is designed to provide each student with a solid foundation in object-oriented programming and logical problem-solving techniques. Through an organized presentation that includes object-oriented concepts, standard logic algorithms, and hands-on programming projects, each student will develop and strengthen their ability to conceptualize and solve problems through the implementation of effective solutions. This course is designed to prepare each student to complete the AP Computer Science A exam.
Fundamentals of Java basics to advanced object oriented concepts. Covering all the units in AP CS A
Unit Reviews
Unit Homework
Unit Test
Practice Exams
Parents will be getting progress report on homework and test.
Unit 1: Course Overview
The AP Exam
Introduction to Computer Science
Computational Thinking
Unit 2: Java Basics
Using Java
Output in Java
Primitive Variables
Data Types
Basic Input and Output
Arithmetical Operations
Unit 3: Control Structures
Control Structures
Logical Operations
Types of Errors
Unit 4: Java API
Object-Oriented Programming
String Class and Methods
Java API and the Java Subset
Wrapper Classes
Math Class
Unit 5: Java API
Creating a Class
Instantiate an Object
Calling methods and fields
Unit 6: Arrays
2D Arrays
Unit 7: ArrayLists
ArrayLists methods
Unit 8: Recursion
Recursive Base Case
Fibonacci Recursive
Unit 9: Inheritance
OOP Example
Object Class